[:nl] Voor je verder leest, gewoon even kijken. Hij duurt maar 5 minuten. Restart dingt mee voor de NFF (Nederlands Film Festival) Online Competitie. PLEASE VOTE UP. Klik op deze link: http://filmfestival.nl/publiek/festival/films/competities-jaarselectie/nff-online-competitie-stem-nu-/ Zoek in de ‘search’ balk naar Restart en klik op ‘Vote up’ (duimpje omhoog). Het gaat om de publieksprijs. Onlangs vroeg Ismaël Lotz me […]
This little thingy was created as an entry for brandfighters.com. The crew was comprised of Frank Boxman, Joep Veldhuis, Sebas Nouwen, and cast Thomas Mook and Lotte Taminiau. It was a baptism of fire for my Canon HG10 and its DOF-adapter. Great to work with actors and dialogue again, and a lot of stuff to […]
Environmental entry competition. Awareness campaign of possible future with global warming. Trying for a viral. www.60sec.milieudefensie.nl Shot on my Canon HG10 consumer camera. The rating system was total crap, I’m sorry to say. The public chose by their views. Winners had more views than visits, which is kinda weird. Created with longtime film partners Joep […]