An after effects reel to show some effects I did that would otherwise, hopefully, go unnoticed. There’s another reel coming which is a bit tamer. This one’s not for the faint hearted. It’s not a tutorial reel on after effects, maybe a little bit. Basically it’s all compositing—masks, color grading, motion tracking, motion blur, blending […]
[:en]A little over 1 minute of animated logo’s and leaders in after effects. THey deserved their own reel, I though; it is after all a skill on it’s own in the world of after effects. Passing them by swiftly in a showreel would be a shame. Showreels should be short. I’ve made after effects medleys, […]
After Effects animation / enhanced slideshow created in a short time for Drachten|Smallingerland for a civil servant gathering. Commissioned by Statement communication bureau. Meant as an overview of developments in the municipality, and more to tantalize than a tell a story. Thanks go out to videocopilot for some tricks and the sure target plugin. Music […]
[:en]Not a showreel but a medley. Created when I still used a seperate name for the Dutch Market: Strak In Beeld (ie: Tight Shots, or something like that). These are my explorations and more of After Effects uses in motion graphics and visual effects, ending in a before and after sequence. Don’t let the thumbnail […]
My old showreel for Strak in Beeld. I’m back to Mutant Worm for the Dutch market these days. This motion graphic was done in After Effects, combining several facets of my work as a filmmaker. I had started the year before on visual effects and motion graphics. One thing just lead to another and these […]