I did several visual effects for this USVA Videocollective production. I don’t have much time these days for being on set, what with two young children these days. Glad to be of some use in postproduction. This is the trailer but you can watch the entire film here at DISEASTER. This is the accompanying text […]
One of two toilet-films that we shot in two small groups at the USVA videocollective in about an hour’s time. Same basic location and making multiple edits was the idea. One horror, one comedy. This one’s not from my group but it’s my edit. After Effects was involved. Another edit of this one – called […]
A horror spoof. Mainly of Japanese horror, shot with several friends. Think The Grudge and The Ring. The kitchen scenes were shot at Monique’s – the leading lady – right before she moved out. The rest was shot at our old damp home that got torn down. There’s also a reference to Jacob’s Ladder. Shot […]
Open Studio, Videotop classes, 2000-2001. Class 6 or so. Inspired by … practical visual effects through decoupage. Written & directed by Frank Boxman Camera: Ruth Light assistant & clapper: Frederique Warners Editing: Dusan Petkovic Actor: Frank Boxman