An explanimation about autonomous transport and current research at the Institute of Engineering at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Assen. Commissioned by and in cooperation with Pro-Time Content BV. Thanks again! Initially created for a lecture by professor Niels van Steenis. Driving is our favourite way of getting around. But we’re not doing […]
My boy Tom, when he was nearly 3, made a peep box (Dutch: kijkdoos) at daycare. I photographed the elements in the garden under a evenly clouded sky with my iPhone. I also shot some extra elements, like the neighbors’ cat on our green couch hammock. I actually started with iPhoning some of Tom and […]
A music video I shot for Shady Lane at Subtunes in Delfzijl on the night of November 4th 2006 with Saskia Groenhard and Roeland Dijksterhuis. I ended up making an entire DVD of the show for them. We had footage from two consumer DV camera’s. I recorded the sound with my Sennheiser stage microphone. Actually […]
A claymation by Katrin Schultz & Frank Boxman, 2003 Voice: Frank & Marina, the cat Music/editing: Frank Boxman 2007 What is it? What indeed? What if an artist was scratching the surface for a new idea? What if he/she couldn’t find the muse and gave up? And what if the idea managed to plunge through […]