[:nl] Voor je verder leest, gewoon even kijken. Hij duurt maar 5 minuten. Restart dingt mee voor de NFF (Nederlands Film Festival) Online Competitie. PLEASE VOTE UP. Klik op deze link: http://filmfestival.nl/publiek/festival/films/competities-jaarselectie/nff-online-competitie-stem-nu-/ Zoek in de ‘search’ balk naar Restart en klik op ‘Vote up’ (duimpje omhoog). Het gaat om de publieksprijs. Onlangs vroeg Ismaël Lotz me […]
So here is our trailer! “Dubstep Trooper” is a Star Wars fan film. This spoof will eventually run about 12 minutes. It is an open source project, both crowd sourced and funded. WWW.DUBSTEPTROOPER.COM WHAT IS DUBSTEP TROOPER ABOUT? Dubstep Trooper is an untold but key side story to the Star Wars saga. A secret, kept for […]
I’m sure you’d like to see more cool and funny Mutant Worm explanimations, but instead I’ll share with you some work of a select group of After Effects people/animators that I admire, and who’s style of work I’d love to match at some point if only I had the time or the budget – brazenly […]