[:en]A short we conceived and shot in an evening at the USVA videocollective. I just created a one minute version for the 60 Second Statements festival here in Groningen. 2nd place viewer’s choice. The crowd went wild, which was nice 😉
My function: script development, actor, directing, editing, motion graphics
It went a little bit viral. No doubt because of the title.
One of two toilet-films that we shot in two small groups at the USVA videocollective in about an hour’s time. Same basic location and making multiple edits was the idea. One horror, one comedy. See [intlink id=”918″ type=”post”]”I’m Gonna Eat Your Innards” here[/intlink].
[:nl]USVA videocollectief-1 avond bedenk & shoot
2e publiekskeuze 60 Second Statements 2010. Altijd leuk als een zaal plat ligt van het lachen.
My functie: scriptuitwerking, acteur, regie, montage, motion graphics
Deze film ging een beetje viral, ongetwijfeld door de titel.
Eén van twee wc-films. Zie de andere [intlink id=”918″ type=”post”]- I’m Gonna Eat Your Innards – hier[/intlink].