[:nl]ILEXYS, inkoopondersteuning die bij u past! Ilexys is een onafhankelijke inkooporganisatie die alles op alles zet om uw inkoopproces makkelijker te maken. Zo kunt u zich volledig richten op uw kernactiviteiten. Bovendien levert het forse besparingen op. www.ilexys.com Jan is trots op zijn bedrijf Daadkracht. Dat was niet altijd zo! Vroeger ging er namelijk veel […]
[:en]A few years ago I started my company and named the Dutch equivalent Strak In Beeld. For convenience sake I have now united the Dutch site with the English market/indie-site Mutant Worm Flicks. So I’m back to the name I’ve been using since 1998: Mutant Worm. The accompanying website is finally officially online today – […]
After Effects animation / enhanced slideshow created in a short time for Drachten|Smallingerland for a civil servant gathering. Commissioned by Statement communication bureau. Meant as an overview of developments in the municipality, and more to tantalize than a tell a story. Thanks go out to videocopilot for some tricks and the sure target plugin. Music […]
The leader I made for the videocollective, part of the USVA Cultural Student Centre in Groningen. I’ve been a member for many years. These days, they call themselves Buiten Kader (i.e. Off Screen) and they can be found here: www.buitenkader.nl. They mostly make student films, ranging from fiction to registrations. This motion graphic was created in […]
“Loss of Face” Wow, that’s an oldie. About 11 years ago that we shot this in—I think October—1999. Right after we finished ‘Ant and (Mutant) Worm Go West’. SYNOPSIS “LOSS OF FACE” What do you do when the fridge has run out of stock? ABOUT I was sitting at some friends’ house. I don’t know […]