Did you know that women’s healthcare in Europe has been wildly different and lacking in sufficient options. Time for some standards! With EBCOG-PACT.
EBCOG: The European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
PACT: The Project for Achieving Consensus in Training.
Commissioned by Bureau Brussels.
It was nice to be contacted by Bureau Brussels again. I think this is the 3rd animation we did together. We even did a 4th one shortly after. All of them are for very different clients and in very different styles, but story is always king. It’s about getting the point across in more than just information and making a memorable nutshell. By addressing viewers personally.
What’s your story? For those of you who would also like a Mutant Worm animation, please let me know.
Voice Over: Frank Boxman. We also had a female version but they preferred my male ‘temp’ version. It happens.
Imagine, you and your husband have recently moved from another country within Europe.
Your second child is due in a few weeks and you discuss your delivery plan with your new doctor.
He suggests several options and now you’re confused!
Because the gynaecologist in your home country had only suggested a caesarean section.
Now imagine yourself elsewhere in Europe, age 38, and being offered a hysterectomy to treat your heavy periods
whereas Google has already told you that women elsewhere in Europe are being offered treatments far less invasive.
Unfortunately, your own gynaecologist has never been trained in these alternatives.
So across Europe we have women’s health problems that negatively affect many of their lives on a daily basis.
All these women, regardless of their country of residence and background have the right to receive the best healthcare possible.
So they can take full part in society, and lead happy private and professional lives.
We, gynaecologists and obstetricians of Europe are aiming for the highest standards of women’s healthcare.
Being trained according to the new standards of PACT
will allow us to:
• engage women in shared decision making about their health choices,
• to collaborate with other healthcare professionals,
• to work according to our Standards of Care,
• and to decrease health care inequalities across Europe.
We believe it’s time to Pact (chuckle) … act
with improved training for equal women’s healthcare.
Please support us at our website.
For those of you who would also like a Mutant Worm animation, please let me know in the contact sheet.