An explanimation helps your target audience immediately get what you’re on about and what you can mean to them.
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Why a Mutant Worm explanimation? Why an explanimation at all? Mutant Worm likes doing them, but please – pretty please with sugar on top – just watch the 1’05 minute video above. You’ll get the point.
Below is the transcript and then: a bunch of text.
Mutant Worm here
and I’m going to tell you about motion graphic promotional videos.
For instance,
imagine you have a brand that you want to share with the world.
That brand could be anything:
a product, a company, an institution, a person, even a manual.
Now you don’t have tons of cash, so how do you get it out in the open?
Not with a bunch of boring text.
Not with an uninspired video of a talking head.
Visitors will flee
from your youtube channel, your website, your powerpoint presentation.
But you want them to come back,
to turn into customers, sponsors, or promoters.
So what you need is a video that grabs their attention and holds it.
One that captures your brand in a nutshell and is also fun to watch.
Your brand will spread like wildfire.
So you contact Mutant Worm and you ask him:
“Hey, Mr. Mutant, can you do one of those swhippety swoosh-swoosh animated promo’s for me?”
And I’d be like, “Yeah man. What’s it about?”
Several terms are used to describe promotional or informational animated videos. This last one is probably the most fitting description: EXPLANIMATION. Until there’s a better one, I’ll stick to that. Let me know if you think of a better one.
Text, image, sound and humor come together in a short, powerful and effective communication of your core message. In this day and age of digital information this is a not to be underestimated asset.
What is the added value of a Mutant Worm Explanimation?
What Mutant Worm really stands for are animations that resonate, preferably with a healthy and disarming dose of humor.
Ready to make an cool explanimation with Mutant Worm, [intlink id=”181″ type=”page”]contact us here[/intlink] or call now: 06-17096032!
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