Another quick animation for Bureau Brussels, a European public affairs boutique consultancy.
I like this client. The subject matter of this second video for them is once again socially responsible. Check the first one, Pay-Able, here.
This time it’s about sustainability, and the cradle-to-cradle use of our waste.
Besides energy, it’s mainly about clean mineral fraction from incinerator bottom ash. Just take a look and you’ll understand.
Since it had to be done quick I mostly slammed stock illustrations together and created some custom illustrations for specific elements. I even did the voice over myself.
A broken mug is not collected separately
and will therefore end up in the residual waste stream.
Residual waste can be treated in a Waste to Energy facility,
where it will be burned and treated.
This does not mean that it will go to waste!The steam, heat and electricity generated during this process
will be used to heat households in the area
or provide businesses with steam and electricity.
And what about emissions?
Waste to Energy facilities are heavily regulated and therefore have very low emissions.
Once the energy has been taken out, the unburned waste is left.
This will be landfilled. Or will it?
Thanks to innovative techniques, this is no longer necessary.
Using sorting techniques the ashes are sorted,
and the metals and different minerals are separated out:
this is called urban mining.
The minerals will be sieved and washed several times
to make sure that they are completely clean.
They can then be added to a concrete mixture and made into tiles for
use in a path or in a parking lot.
Residual waste = energy + recovery