Environmental entry competition. Awareness campaign of possible future with global warming. Trying for a viral. www.60sec.milieudefensie.nl
Shot on my Canon HG10 consumer camera. The rating system was total crap, I’m sorry to say. The public chose by their views. Winners had more views than visits, which is kinda weird.
Created with longtime film partners Joep and Sebas, and ofcourse my precious Sas. That’s my boy Tom in that belly! It’s a nice document of the time when we made this.
I really wanted to end on an outside shot of the house with factory pipes towering above, bit we were out of time. It’s always been the same with these competition things: you don’t want to spend too much time on them because it might not do anything, but then you end up with a product that is not even good enough for your portfolio. Darn. We decided to just make stuff for ourselves if we want to grow creatively, work with other people and actually make it cool as cat. Cool as cat? Why not: cool as cat.