[:nl]De tweede explanimation of uitleganimatie voor Overheidsfilm.nl, ditmaal over het proces van een ID-kaart aanvragen. Mijn taak in deze was wederom het animeren van deze heldere en stilistische korte animatie. Er zit enige herhaling in uit de vorige Overheidsfilm.nl uitleganimatie, alsook kleine wijzigingen. Zoek de verschillen!
Regie en script: Rob Bruijgoms
Vormgeving: Arthur van’t Hoog
Animatie: Frank Boxman
Muziek: Renger Koning
Voice-over: Leonieke Toering
Over het proces
Meer details over het technische aspect van After Effects is te vinden in de Engelse versie van deze post.
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[:en]The second explanimation for Overheidsfilm.nl. My task in this project was again to animate this clear and stylish animation showing the steps you need to take when you have to get an ID-card in Holland. It’s in Dutch so you’ll just have make do with watching it it for style and animation. There is also some repetition of the previous Overheidsfilm.nl explanimation, some changes are very slight. Find the differences!
Script, storyboard and director: Rob Bruijgoms
Illustrations: Arthur van’t Hoog
Animation: Frank Boxman
Music: Renger Koning
Voice-over: Leonieke Toering
About the process
This is for the After Effects people, or the technically interested who don’t mind having to go on tangent searches to make sense of the jargon.
So: it’s an After Effects animation using illustrator vector files. While I used a camera in After Effects to zoom in and out in the previous one, [intlink id=”587″ type=”post”]Paspoort aanvragen[/intlink], this time I chose to delete the camera and use scaling instead. The reason for this, plain and simple, was render time. It did however result in a new problem which I didn’t immediately find a good solution for.
The problem was the use of the Puppet tool in combination with scaling. Eventually I found out – from just the one mention pointing towards the most obvious source – that it simply cannot be done! Puppet tool and scaling do not work together in After Effects:
Note: Don’t animate the position or scale of a continuously rasterized layer with layer transformations if you are also animating the layer with the Puppet tools.
Source: Adobe help for the puppet tool. Duh.
In the previous one I had made the embedded compositions huge enough to zoom in on. This did demand continuous rasterization, and a lot of render power. So when I switched to scaling instead of a camera – although the above clearly says Don’t – all the puppet tooling went haywire. I resolved it by simple leaving the puppet tool out of zoom-ins and zoomed in shots, or if unavoidable, by deleting the puppet tool and resorting to more layer segmenting, rotation points and – ah yes – the duIK plugin! DuIk is an Inverse Kinetics tool for After Effects. I have yet to try the somewhat similar Rigit Script.
Just ask for more details if you have problems yourself.
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