So you want your explanimation to be seen by as many people as possible and perhaps even spread like a virus. How do you do this? Is a video alone sufficient?
Not every video lends itself to viral marketing. Most subject matters just don’t lend themselves to sharing frenzies. Some do, but don’t take off. Sometimes things just happen — an influencer might share your video and spark interest. Sometimes it’s part of a big campaign. Something has to stick out: humor, story, message, extravaganza, beauty, shock, surprise, horror, enlightenment, anything that wakes people up and engages them. But not every video has to be that sharable. Mostly, you need to reach your target audience.
Whatever the video is, you can still help it along on it’s journey. Only cat videos seem to market themselves. It has to start somewhere. Placing it directly visibly on your homepage is a start, but it’s not all.
So what can you do to make the video get more views, maybe even go ‘viral’? Just google ‘viral marketing campaign’ and you’ll find plenty tips.
Here’s a shortlist:
- You need an explanimation that people will respond to, so first of all you need a Mutant Worm, of course: you want a story, you want to evoke emotions, you want the disarming humor, you want the unexpected. Then you place it visibly somewhere on the top of your site’s start page. You can embed it there via Youtube, Vimeo, or your own server, for instance. But there’s more.
- Plug it on your social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Hootsuite, whatever it is you’re using.
- Spread your explanimation off line as well. Tell friends and colleagues. Put a link or QR-code on your business card/postal cards. Have it with you on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, i.e. portable media players. You wanna show it wherever you can; you never know who can make a connection for you.
- Allow and promote sharing. Make the explanimation embedable for other people’s blogs and sites. Add share buttons for social media, a mail-a-friend function, stuff like that.
- Connect with comments: the best viral marketing campaign is one that creates a strong emotion, so once you have their attention, provide a means for comment to keep it going. Participate in the discussion.
- Use it in an email as a viral marketing tool. Think of a newsletter. Beware not to spam, though. Also note that a link works better since few mailprograms can actually display videos yet.
- Post your explanimation on other internet sites such as message boards and blogs related to your target audience. Beware not to spam, though.
- Advertising. Think of Google AdWords or Facebook Ads which you can use to target your audience using your video.
(preferably all at once for a more widespread impact, higher ratings in google search engines and consequent bigger chances of being seen)
Ready to make an cool explanimation with Mutant Worm, contact us here or call now: +31 6 170 960 32
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