First off: explanimation = explainer + animation
A Mutant Worm Explanimation on your Home Page (Landing Page) explains your brand or your point in a nutshell.
When startup use them, they’re also called Startup animations.
It’s there to grab the attention of your visitors before they get bored and move on.
I do this using a story structure, humor, and taking away any barriers to make the viewer comfortable. So I prefer keeping the tone informal, conversational, and like explaining something while sitting next to them with a pen and paper.
I prefer to think that my clients like to use my animations effectively and actually place them prominently on their website. It’s there to reel them in, and once caught, have them look further on the site for more details. It could be the first thing your visitors see and ultimately associate with your brand.
There’s a lot more you can do with a Home Page Explanimation.
On the off chance that you missed it, mine’s way down below.
Look here for more details on Explanimations
Also need a Mutant Worm animation? Contact me via the contact sheet.